Sunday, October 10, 2010


Life is constantly full of new beginnings isn't it?
Every day that you open your eyes is a beginning. Each person that you meet is the beginning of a relationship. Every moment of the day is new, and unexperienced. 

Hi. My name is Rachael and I'm at a new beginning. Let me tell you a little about myself so that you understand more. 

I am 19 years old

I have a progressive condition that doctors gave up trying to 'fix' years ago. They have called it Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) before but never officially.

Because of my condition I do things differently than most people my age. I cannot do anything physically more than walk. That makes it tough sometimes.

In the past year the pain progressed to my stomach. I found food intolerances and they stretch into many different food groups. Currently I cannot eat: dairy, yeast, mango, preservatives, and artificial colors.

Due to a generous state, I was able to complete 2 years of college course-work while in Highschool. I am halfway done to a degree in... Something. Because of my condition I had to leave school at the beginning of this semester. I am self-rehabilitating (I decided that's a word =]) so that someday I can get back.

So. Here I am. At a new beginning. I am starting this blog to chronicle my gains from the pain. I no longer want to have losses, because I have had enough. I lost my identity as an athlete, friend, student, girlfriend, foodie, and artist. I am setting out on this journey to reclaim them, to gain from the pain.

Who's with me?

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