Friday, October 15, 2010


I'm sure those of you who live with chronic pain can sympathize with me when I say that the last few days have been hard. I am struggling to get back on my feet and acclimate to my life as it is right now.
This picture is a tough pill to swallow. Right now I don't even see a path. I'm trying so so hard not to give up that it hurts me. I can't wait to achieve something that I want.

I am at my wit's end as far as treatment options. I have tried: Sports Medicine, Physical Therapy, Homeopathy, Chiropractic, and have dabbled in medications. I have found that I react badly to just about everything I ingest. I took a painkiller for my CPS one time and ended up gaining 10-15 pounds in just one week! Benadryl makes me irrational and moody and one ibuprofen gives me a brain fog. Therefore I have not tried many meds. In that sense I am not the average CP patient, but I don't consider myself an average anything.

Right now I'm backed up against the wall of the failures of previous treatments and I need to figure out which direction to turn from here. I cannot live like this, with this severe of pain permeating every moment of every day...not if I want to thrive anyway.

I've spent the night researching treatment options. I'm thinking of looking into Ketamine infusion therapy. From what I can tell, there are not the side effects that go along with 'normal medications' which makes me think that I might be able to actually tolerate it. Does anyone have experience with this treatment?

If I could I would ask my doctor, but I don't have one other than my (rather snarky) family medicine/general practitioner. I'm usually ok with this fact because I have never found any doctors to "team up" with. This seems to be an important part of CP treatment and I am envious of anyone who has this.

And after that semi-motivational graphic I am ready to move on to other topics, cheerier topics!

I am working on a painting. I have found that art and the creative process in general has been really helpful for me in my pain management/coping. I am now confident enough to admit that I quilt. I have been doing this grandmotherly activity since the tender age of 11 and still continue to do so. I will post some pictures of my work if anyone is interested in seeing them, I'm quite proud of a few of my larger pieces.
Anyways, I was talking about my painting. I got art supplies for my birthday and am enjoying using them. I find that I need an emotional release more than once a day. Right now my social options are severely limited so I tend so make up for the loss by self-soothing with art. Basically this paragraph is a lead-up to a teaser saying that I will post a picture when I am done with my painting.

Sorry about the lack of thought question today! I'm going to post one first thing tomorrow, I promise.

TGIF my fellow Gainers, keep moving forward!

Rachael Ann

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