Thursday, October 21, 2010

Considering Calvinball

Did anyone else read Calvin and Hobbes all the time when they were younger? I did. I loved the inane and sometimes insane banter between the little boy and his stuffed tiger (who came alive when no one else was looking of course). Lately I have had far too much time to think about my condition and I realized that I'm, in essence, playing Calvinball.

Have you ever felt that way?

You see, there are no rules in Calvinball, just like with many Chronic conditions. There is no referee to complain to when something is just not fair. It just is. Deal with it.

According to Calvin, the only rule is that you can never use the same rules twice. I agree with that application to chronic pain because one day never seems like the last. Maybe for some people it is, but for me, without an actual prognosis, every day is a question mark. When I wake up in the morning I don't know what it's going to be like by lunchtime, afternoon or dinnertime. It could get better, or worse. There seems to be no way to control or predict: just like there is not any real way to control a 6 year old boy's imaginative play.

Like I said. I've had too much time to think lately. Maybe soon there will either be more things to fill my time, or less pain to try to ignore.

What do you think? Does it feel like you're playing a game where you don't know the rules?

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